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Membership Information

Membership with Heritage Homeschool Co-op offers partnership and community with other homeschooling families in a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. Whether making new friends, finding fulfillment in helping others, or your child(ren) experiencing interesting and engaging classes, Heritage members value being a part of this special, Christ-centered community.

Heritage meets once a week from September - May. We offer classes for grades K-12, with up to 5 class hours available during the co-op day. To join Heritage your oldest child must be at least 5 years old as of the first day of the Heritage academic year. It is a requirement that parents attend with their children and volunteer as a partner in the co-op.

Informational tours will be available from September 2024 - April 2025. 


2024-2025 Registration 


In considering membership with Heritage (or a return to Heritage), please review the following:

  • Our 2024-25 Heritage Handbook.
  • Our 2024-25 Calendar. First day of 2024-2025 co-op classes is identified on the 2024-25 Calendar. 

For registration purposes, a "new family" is one that has never attended Heritage classes. A "sabbatical family" is one who previously attended Heritage classes.

The first step in registering for classes is to become a Heritage Member. Membership Applications for 2024-2025 academic year are now closed. Membership and class registration for the following year will re-open in March 2025 after our Class Fair. Please return to this page then.


Information for NEW Families:


The first step in registering for classes at Heritage is becoming a member. Membership Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are now closed. Please return to this page in March 2025 to request a Membership Application and begin the membership application process for the 2025-2026 academic year. 

When you receive your instructions for pre-registration, please complete this fully so that you will be ready to register for your specific classes. Any age exemption requests must be made via the website prior to any class registration.

When it comes to registering for specific classes, there is a chance that some of your first-choice classes may already be full. However, being a part of Heritage Co-op offers so much more than a specific class; it's about joining a community of homeschooling families, fellowshipping with other parents, friendships for kids and adults alike, and support through the seasons of this homeschooling journey. For this reason, even if your top choice classes are already full, rest assured there will still be quality classes available for every age group, every hour.


Information for SABBATICAL Families:


For families who have previously attended classes at Heritage and would like to return for the 2024-25 co-op year, please email the Heritage Registrar ([email protected]) after August 15th to request a reinstatement of your previous membership.

Once you submit your request, we will route your Registration Request through the process, depending on your specific situation:

  • If you last attended Heritage in 2018-2019 or later, your request submission will trigger a re-activation for your online account. You will be sent further information and instructions on completing the next steps. This is a manual process, so thank you for your patience. 
  • If you last attended Heritage prior to the 2018-2019 year, that was before our move to a new registration/web platform, therefore you will need to complete a Membership Application to establish your online account/profile with us. Once you submit the form above, you will be contacted with detailed information, a link to the application, and next steps. Please be aware that the application and pre-registration process can take several days to complete before you will be eligible to register for classes.


Have questions about Heritage? Please view our New Family FAQ. If you have additional questions, please complete and submit this Information Request Form, and we will get back to you as soon as we reopen.